An Eventful Saturday
The weather today was forecasted to be sunny and beautiful and 70 degrees so we planned on heading to our boat. We bought a little dinghy/tender so we were going to take it out for the first time. Ian and Jenna headed to the boat first to get a few things done first. And then Miranda and I met them at the marina. It was a beautiful day as forecasted and we had a great time cruising around our marina, heading to Jetty Island and docking for lunch. We even saw a seal swimming around.
Miranda was starting to act a little tired so her and I headed home for her nap and Ian and Jenna stayed behind to clean to boat up a little. Jenna likes to play around in the boat, but this time she played around too much. She hit her forehead on the railing in the boat. I got a call from Ian that Jenna got hurt so I rushed to the marina. Ian got the bleeding to stop and got her bandaged up for a trip to the ER. I met them at the marina and we headed to the ER. At this point, I have yet to see the gash on her forehead, but Ian warned me that it was a pretty big one. The ER gave Jenna a teddy bear to make her feel better and we waited for Jenna's name to be called. Once back in a room, the bandage was removed and I got my first look. Wow, I can only imagine how much of a wreck I would have been seeing this happen firsthand. Ian did a great job, which allowed Jenna to stay calm too. The nurse applied a numbing solution and that stayed on for about 45 minutes. Jenna is still being very brave! Finally, the doctor came in. Jenna was nice a numb, which was good, because he said she was going to need a few stitches. Jenna started getting nervous, but luckily she didn't feel anything but the last of 4 stitches. Another bandage and we were on our way home. Our happy Jenna was back and asking for Chinese food for dinner! In 5 days the stitches can come out and until then we will be tending to her wound. Jenna is already thinking about what to tell her friends at school. She wants to bring in the bear they gave her in the ER and she said, "Friends, I have something to share and it is a bear. I got it at the hospital when I hurt my head". She sounded so cute! What a brave little girl we are so lucky to have! I hope this is her first and last injury requiring stitches!
Here is Jenna in happier times in the boat. Notice the railing in the background.And here is Jenna with her 4 stitches. Poor baby!!!!
Miranda was watching while we were applying cream and a new Band-Aid tonight. She said, "Why Jenna have a spider?". Pretty funny!
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