I hope everyone had a nice Christmas Day. Here is what we have been up to:
On Tuesday we built a gingerbread house together. It was a lot of fun! It turned out really cute and the girls enjoyed eating the extra candy too!
On Christmas Eve we woke up to more snow! We spent a nice day together making cookies for Santa and being together since Ian was able to come home from work nice and early. After dinner we ventured out in the snow to drive through a few neighborhoods that all decorate their houses with lots of lights and Christmas decorations. When we got home, we prepared the cookies, water and carrots for Santa and the reindeer. Then off to bed to read "Twas the Night Before Christmas". When the girls were all settled in bed, Ian and I finished wrapping and played "Santa", setting up everything for the next morning.
We had a nice Christmas Day here at the Sale house. Thankfully the girls didn't wake up too early and Jenna was the first one awake. She came into our room and we wished her "Merry Christmas". She then went to the hallway and was able to see that Santa did make it to our house! She was pretty excited!! As soon as Miranda woke up, Jenna made sure to show her the evidence of Santa being there! Then they immediately wanted to go downstairs! All that Miranda really "asked" for from Santa was a cradle for her babies. Of course the first thing she said when she saw all the presents was, "Which one is my cradle". She was very excited that Santa really did bring one! I think "Santa" did a great job picking out presents for the girls. They really seemed happy and played with everything all day yesterday. With all the snow that we have had over the past 2 weeks, we knew we were going to have a White Christmas. But, believe it or not, it even snowed yesterday!!! We got another 3 or 4 inches of snow. Some of the snowflakes were so big that they looked like cotton balls falling from the sky. And it even snowed more today!! We thought it was only supposed to rain, but of course snowflakes were falling from the sky instead! It was very wet so nothing measurable, but it still amazes me! Have a nice weekend and enjoy the last few days of 2008!!!
This picture was taken on Tuesday. We still have about the same amount of snow on the table!

Our Gingerbread House

Setting out the cookies, water & carrots for Santa & the reindeer

White Christmas

Santa really did come to our house!!!

A Razor scooter for Jenna...

Leapster for Miranda...

And Santa even remembered the cradle she asked for!!

Here are a few pictures of my belly. I am 35 weeks now. The baby should be about 5 1/4 pounds and 18 inches long and is compared in size to a honeydew.

Miranda already loves her baby sister...

Jenna is going to be a great big sister again!